Thursday, August 18, 2011

Katy Perry, Gaga and more!

I know everyone was excited to hear that the "legendary" Katy Perry has tied Michael Jackson's record of five number one hits off of one album.  We can only hope she releases a sixth single, and remixes it with Rihanna at the last minute to sell a few more thousand copies to push it to the number one spot!  Now, now, I'm not shading the lovely Ms. Perry.  I find her rather amusing and hope she never changes.  But the trend of adding another singer or rapper last minute to sell a few more copies to push the song to the number one spot definitely shows that success on the Hot 100 nowadays is a lot different then they were during MJ's time.  Still, Katy should be honored to have her name next to Michael Jackson's in the record book.

Monsters were welcomed with some lovely cryptic tweets from Gaga on Tuesday, where she tweeted FUCK THURS DAY, which brought her total tweet count to 999.  Everyone was left wondering... is the music video coming early?  Are we just moments away from an early release of You and I?  A few hours later the video leaked and the Lady herself eventually tweeted a link to it.  So obviously everyone has been waiting on pins and needles waiting to hear my response.  And well, I liked it.  After my first watch I was left with the feeling that I had no idea what I just watched.  But that seems normal with a Gaga video.  All I knew was that I saw lots of pretty images and some amazing costumes.  But after watching it a few more times I grew to like it a lot more actually.  The dancing in the barn scene is cute, and I love love love the scenes with her in the cornfield, playing on the piano with Jo Calderone on top.  The cherry on top is when Gaga runs barefoot through the field, like a child that has just learned to run.  I will say it is my 2nd favorite video of the Born This Way era, only behind the Judas video.

Kelly Clarkson is back!  Well she will be by the end of the month.  Aww.  I missed her and I'm sure you did as well.  She tweeted earlier this week, "Finally! My new single is called “Mr. Know It All” and it’s coming to radio very soon. Also, my album, STRONGER, is officially coming out October 25th. Here’s a link to my new website that will give you all the info on the upcoming release dates, single artwork, and more! GET READY CAUSE I AM!"  Oh Kelly, I was born ready and cannot wait to hear your latest offering.

Lastly Mike "the Situation" Sorrentino was offered a large amount of money by Abercrombie & Fitch, asking him to STOP wearing their brand of clothing.  Seems like a win-win situation for the Situation eh?  I mean all his role has been lately is be the instigator to stir up drama and press, all the while getting paid for it.  And here he is, making headlines around different news junkets, for a story about him making money.  Way to go Mike!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Other Weekend Tidbits

First of all let me just say these words of wisdom:  You do your best thinking in the shower.  Got that?  Good.  Now remember it and use all the creativity that comes from your random shower thoughts.  Follow through, follow through, follow through!  You will thank yourself later.

Moving on... remember this girl?  Why yes, little Lizzie McGuire is going to be a mom!  Scary eh?  Yeah I bet you feel old now.

You and I best be ready this Thursday!  Why yes Gaga herself just tweeted another still from her latest music video which is set to premiere on MTV at 7:50 pm   Rumors are a rumbling that the Lady herself will make a big announcement following the video.  What could it be?  Tour announcement?  She's pregnant?  Engaged?  Hosting the VMAs?  She wants me in her next video?  Well it's obviously the last option.  I mean most of my friends are aware that Gags and I talk all the time.

Remember Michelle Branch?  Well looks like she is over her country phase and is back with a cute little song.  Welcome back girl, we missed you!

Do yourself a favor, and go see the Help.  Mindy Kaling tweeted: "Saw The Help with my mom on her birthday, we loved it. Cry central but whatta cast. Bryce was a phenomenal villain. Go see!"  That about sums it up... def bring yourself some tissues!  And the movie surpassed box office expectations!  Way to go movie, you tell all those doubters to EAT YOUR SHIT!  

Who Run the World? Beyonce! Or atleast New York...

The Queen Bey set New York abuzz last night as she delighted fans with songs from her latest album, 4.  Sadly Beyonce opted to not wait 'til my fabulousness was in town... rude, but I was able to watch many of the performances on Youtube.  It is safe to say that she was ON FIRE.  Just look at her face as she reacts to the thousands of fans doing the Countdown for her.

Sadly all of the videos, except for I Care were removed, thankfully I Care is amazing enough that it will help you visualize the others.  Also I found one that just has the opening for Countdown, which is what I was talking about already anyway.  If new ones get posted I will replace them.  For now just close your eyes and imagine you are watching them.

Come on Beyonce, make this a single already!  Me and my Boof, and my Boof-Boof are waiting.  Maybe even waiting in my boo-Coupe ridin'. 

Beyonce did some of her old hits then started doing songs from 4 from beginning to end.  I am a bit peeved at B for omitting one song, Start Over, as that is my current obsession. But watching this clip of I Care makes up for it... a little bit.  I mean the Middle-8 guitar part with Beyonce singing along ?  Well Beyonce, you don't have to worry, we all CARE, you were amazing.

Skip to 2:10 to watch the epicness yourself.  

Of course the other performances were amazing, but Youtube seems to be on a mission to not let viewers witness the amazingness, and they keep removing them.  When they come available again I will add them.

The beautiful I Was Here

End of Time.  More then likely will be a single, eh?

You got the swag sauce, you be drippin' Swaggu.  No one can Party like Beyonce, Kanye, and Andre 3000.